Building the Future

St George’s Rowing Club is one of the oldest sporting clubs in New Zealand. Founded in St George’s Bay Auckland in 1863 it has been the home of thousands of rowers over the past 140 years: the Club has been in its current clubrooms since 1949 (74 years), perfectly situated at the end of Kings Rd on the Tamaki River giving easy access onto and off the water.

Over the years the Clubrooms have been extended and maintained, with some parts of the boatshed dating back to the early 20th century as they were moved from downtown Auckland to the present site. For now the clubrooms have more than reached capacity. Good collaboration between the different groups has enabled members to work with the limited space. However, the boat house is congested and some equipment is currently stored off site or on the outside of the building. The existing training room was added to the club in 1977 (46 years ago). The old yacht club from next door was shifted in, making that part of the structure nearly a century old. It is time to future-proof the club by enabling more efficient use of the space. Our proposed changes will provide longevity of the club for generations who follow.

St G plan 2021-12-02
The plan is to create a two-level building that has much better access and usable spaces.
The Tamaki Outrigger Canoe Club (TOCC) are also seeking to have a base for their activities. St George’s and TOCC are collaborating to create a building extension that will meet both groups’ needs.
Despite having a generous donor and a new lease from Auckland Council, we still need to raise $250,000. Our dedicated fund-raising team and 2-year plan mean we can raise the money by running events and finding sponsorship and philanthropic funding. Support from members, friends and past members will be essential for this to succeed, as will our reach beyond the immediate Club Members into our local and wider community.
Our new Auckland council lease provides for the road to move behind the rowing club building in order for beautification of the surrounding reserve to take place. We stay within our current height and footprint and therefore do not increase our impact on neighbours. Safety for rowers is improved. The current shed will have space underneath the eastern side, created by lifting the floor inside. The newly raised floor gives coach boat storage under and a huge improvement in access.  Bathrooms and kitchen are rearranged, giving interior spaces more emphasis on rowing-related activities.
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