
MEMBERSHIP Application form

Details from this Application Form will be used by the committee to make a decision on your potential membership of the Club. Please complete the information below and press the send button.

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Which Type of Membership are you interested in?
Club Rowing is for any age but typically under 27. Masters rowing begins at age 27. Buddy rowing is a programme for those who have rowed previously. Learn to Row is for those who wish to learn to row. All new members regardless of membership type will undertake bow seat and cox training as part of their induction
Have you rowed before (select all that apply)
Do you wish to row competitively or recreationally?
Competitively means you would like to compete at Regattas whereas recreationally means you don't want to compete.
e.g. coxing, coaching, committee, coach boat certificate, First Aid, engine maintenance, boat repair, national titles/ representation.
e.g. family or friend of current St Georges member, past or present school rowing parent, social media, website, Panmure resident in close vicinity, etc
e.g. fitness, competition, camaraderie etc.
Do you have any injuries or medical issues that may impact on rowing?
If Yes, please specify
Club Safety Rules
Please make sure that you read and understand the Club's Safety Rules.
Permission & Agreement
We collect this information solely so that we can review your membership application.
We will send a copy of this information to the email address entered above.
Please contact us at if you have any issues.
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